"... everyone who bears my name and is created for my glory. I have formed them; indeed, I have made them.'"
- Isaiah 43:7
It's all over the place: the push to move yourself up the ladder of influence, success and fame. From self-indulgent Instagram posts to pushing a teammate out of the way to end up on top, we can be tempted to try and amass as much glory for ourselves in our sport as possible. Could it be that we were never meant to hold the weight of glory? Perhaps, that glory belongs to Someone else.
If we recognize that we are made in God's image and that He has given us our abilities, how do we use that knowledge to guide us in our sport?
Stop and Listen to His Voice:
Take time during the day to listen for God. Talk to Him, pause, get still and listen to what He is saying. Read the Bible, meditate on a verse and see how you can incorporate it into your day. Maybe that's giving a word of encouragement to a struggling teammate or staying late at practice to help clean up. Live out what you've learned from God.
Seek After His Heart:
Read about Jesus' life in the gospels.
How did He interact with the people around Him? What kinds of people did He meet with, pray for and teach? Learn Jesus' rhythms and see how He would have you take care of your teammates.
Shift from Self to Others:
Serving others brings us joy. God created us to rely on one another. Think about how you can make someone's day better, instead of just bettering your own. When we live out of the love of God, we want to share that same love with others.
God created you with care and wants you to use the talents He has placed in you to pursue His glory.
When you do well in a game, give Him praise. When you don't do well, give Him praise.
Remember Whose you are and lean into that identity. Lead a life on and off the field that leads people to the God who is worthy of all praise.
Commit to praise God and give Him glory no matter what the outcome of your next game.
Study Verses
Psalm 115:1
Revelation 4:11
1 Corinthians 10:31