2024 FCA Livestream

Tom Parker • November 25, 2024

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Charlotte County FCA

February 18, 2025
Timing is everything. Surely, you've heard this phrase in the sports world. Quarterbacks and wide receivers work on their timing. Runners monitor their pace. Base runners time up their leadoffs for a steal. The concept of timing transcends minutes and seconds to focus on rhythm and synchronization. But is timing truly everything? Think about it. A team can have great timing on a certain play, but if you're not in the right location, the play won't work. That's why coaches don't set up offenses for routine half-court shots nor do coaches call for a field goal beyond the 50-yard-line. More importantly, if players aren't in the correct positions to fit their skillsets, timing doesn't matter because it will never come. A team can possess all the talent in the world, be in the right location to succeed, but if players and coaches aren't in the right positions, then the team won't be effective. We must know our positions. That's when true teamwork takes off. Do you know your position on God's team? It's only through Jesus Christ that you receive a spot on God's team for eternity. Life won't make sense until you accept this invitation. The Bible is clear that God gives spiritual gifts and abilities to each member on His team. Do you know your spiritual gifts? For some, God provides the ability to teach. Others may receive the abilities to encourage and serve. When you discover more of who God created you to be in Christ, you are empowered to live into your calling and help others do the same. Just as a team needs each player and coach to be in the right position, the body of Christ needs each member to be in the right position. Now, here's the important thing: No one position is more important than another. God uniquely created each of us. No difference exists between "practice players" or "starters" on God's team - we each have a purposeful role to play. Isn't that the essence of a team, anyway? Each person bringing his or her talents and abilities together in order to achieve a common goal. On God's team, we strive to fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples of Jesus Christ by going all over the world to share the Good News. As a team, fellow Christ-followers are called to serve one another and strive for unity. We each have a role. You have a role. I have a roll. We are pursuing a huge goal, but we have an even greater God. The timing is now. The location is wherever God has placed you. Your position is yours to accept. The team is counting on you. 
February 18, 2025
With today being Valentine’s Day, we know it is all centered around love. But what is love? How do we define it? God commands us to love one another. Love is supposed to be the defining characteristic of our lives as Christians. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes the characteristics of love, which we can use when evaluating our love for other people and how we treat them, and vise versa. Does your actions of love for others match up with what Paul writes in this passage? The Bible says that not only does love come from God, but God is love [1 John 4:16]. Godly love has the same characteristics of God Himself. Just as God is patient, faithful, and unending, God’s love is also patient, faithful, and unending. God’s love is unconditional and unearned. That’s why Christians believe showing God’s love to others is so important. Once we have experienced His unconditional love, we want others to experience it as well. By aligning ourselves with God’s Word, He will teach us how to love others with patience, kindness, humility, grace and joy, just as He calls us to do. The more time we spend with Him, the more we begin to embody His characteristics, and the more we will exude His love to others. It is because of God’s great love for us that we are able to love others in a selfless and unconditional way. [“God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” - Romans 5:8].
February 12, 2025
Ready "When there are many words, sin is unavoidable, but the one who controls his lips is prudent" - Proverbs 10:19 Set There are a few things that coaches and athletes must deal with throughout the season of their sport, no matter if their team is winning or not. It doesn't matter if your team is having a great season or a terrible season, someone will always have something to say outside of the field or court. A parent, a bystander, another coach, an athlete: someone will find something to pick apart about you, your decisions, athletic capabilities, etc.. So where does that leave us? We look to the Scripture for the day. Sin isn't ended by many words, but by holding our tongues and controlling our lips. It is a hard thing to do. James 3:5 says that "though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things. Consider how a small fire sets ablaze a large forest." Our tongues also have the power of life and death, according to Proverbs 18:21. So when you feel weak for allowing the words of others to hurt you, remember those two Scriptures; it is understandable for you to feel the weight of the criticism. BUT we don't have to let our knees buckle under that weight. We have a God who is capable of healing those places in our hearts that have been hurt by the words of others. And that same God will give us the wisdom and strength we need to control our lips and not add to the word salad that is constantly being tossed around in our communities. When we control our lips, we can know that the Lord is pleased and is fighting our battles for us. We need not to get involved. Go The next time someone comes to you with a harsh criticism, instead of adding more fuel to the fire, try to remain silent and hold your tongue. Remember that the truth is not in what others say about you, but what God says about you. Questions What is the harshest criticism someone in your coaching or athletic career has ever said to you? What do you think Jesus would say to you regarding that? Study Verses James 1:2-4 James 1:19-20 Ephesians 4:31-32
February 12, 2025
In the world of sports, strength matters. Sports require a constant turn of the wheel, and we often pride ourselves on how much we can tackle on our own and rise to the top of our team, conference and sport. We think the more we have on our shoulders, the better we look to those around us. We want to give the impression we can handle the weight, but inside, we're really crumbling. True strength lies in surrender, in submitting to the Lordship of Jesus and laying our burdens at His feet. Through His strength and perfect capability, He will handle what we've been holding. Our job is to trust and obey. As He works in and through us, He strengthens us for exactly what we need, when we need it. When you're competing, your opponent's job is to do everything possible to knock you down and get you off your game. It's the same trick of the enemy. But we are not left on our own to find our footing. God empowers us to rely on His Word to fight back and remind ourselves of our worth, our purpose and the greater plan of His Kingdom come. The Lord is too good to leave us on our own, and the more we notice His movement in our lives, the more our confidence grows. We find firm footing when we dig our heels in the ground and stand against the lies, temptations and sorrow that want to take us down. We will stand victorious in Christ, able to resist worldly pressures with godly wisdom and power. Christ has paved the way; it's time to put what we know into practice as we do daily in our sport. God will give you what you need. When you rely on Him, you are more than secure; you are strong. 
February 12, 2025
In sports it is evident when we go "All In" because of our passion, work ethic and determination. When we surrender ourselves to be all in to our sport, we are saying that we are going to give 100% of our effort to securing a win for the team, coach and ourselves. For us, being all in is a decision, but God is always all in for us. The creation of the whole universe is evidence of God's love, passion, work ethic and determination. God was all in when He created us to give Him glory. He loved us from the beginning and gave us a way to have a relationship with Him by giving His only Son to die on a cross for our sins.  There is no doubt that God's passion, love and forgiveness towards us is all in . The question remains, are you "All In" for Him? A life lived all in, is a life fully surrendered to Jesus— a life full of joy.
February 12, 2025
Ready "... everyone who bears my name and is created for my glory. I have formed them; indeed, I have made them.'" - Isaiah 43:7 Set It's all over the place: the push to move yourself up the ladder of influence, success and fame. From self-indulgent Instagram posts to pushing a teammate out of the way to end up on top, we can be tempted to try and amass as much glory for ourselves in our sport as possible. Could it be that we were never meant to hold the weight of glory? Perhaps, that glory belongs to Someone else. If we recognize that we are made in God's image and that He has given us our abilities, how do we use that knowledge to guide us in our sport? Stop and Listen to His Voice: Take time during the day to listen for God. Talk to Him, pause, get still and listen to what He is saying. Read the Bible, meditate on a verse and see how you can incorporate it into your day. Maybe that's giving a word of encouragement to a struggling teammate or staying late at practice to help clean up. Live out what you've learned from God. Seek After His Heart: Read about Jesus' life in the gospels. How did He interact with the people around Him? What kinds of people did He meet with, pray for and teach? Learn Jesus' rhythms and see how He would have you take care of your teammates. Shift from Self to Others: Serving others brings us joy. God created us to rely on one another. Think about how you can make someone's day better, instead of just bettering your own. When we live out of the love of God, we want to share that same love with others. God created you with care and wants you to use the talents He has placed in you to pursue His glory. When you do well in a game, give Him praise. When you don't do well, give Him praise. Remember Whose you are and lean into that identity. Lead a life on and off the field that leads people to the God who is worthy of all praise. Go Commit to praise God and give Him glory no matter what the outcome of your next game. Questions How have you been playing for personal glory? How does knowing that God made you with care , shift the way you compete? Study Verses Psalm 115:1 Revelation 4:11 1 Corinthians 10:31
February 12, 2025
Peter the Apostle wrote this letter to encourage Christians in their daily lives. He gave them advice for everyday living, especially in the midst of hard times. He encouraged them to remember the hope that they have in Jesus, and to develop godly lifestyles that are holy and pleasing to God. Peter also called them to use their spiritual gifts and to be good stewards of their giftings from God. Peter's words are for us too. We have been created by God to do extraordinary and unique things on this earth, that God has given us the ability to do. This will look different for each of us. We all have been given different gifts so that we can bring glory to God amongst people and point them to Him. God wants us to use our gifts and talents to serve others, and to honor Him when we use those gifts.  So how can you use your gifts to serve others and further God’s Kingdom?
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