With today being Valentine’s Day, we know it is all centered around love. But what is love? How do we define it? God commands us to love one another. Love is supposed to be the defining characteristic of our lives as Christians.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes the characteristics of love, which we can use when evaluating our love for other people and how we treat them, and vise versa. Does your actions of love for others match up with what Paul writes in this passage?
The Bible says that not only does love come from God, but God is love [1 John 4:16]. Godly love has the same characteristics of God Himself. Just as God is patient, faithful, and unending, God’s love is also patient, faithful, and unending. God’s love is unconditional and unearned.
That’s why Christians believe showing God’s love to others is so important. Once we have experienced His unconditional love, we want others to experience it as well.
By aligning ourselves with God’s Word, He will teach us how to love others with patience, kindness, humility, grace and joy, just as He calls us to do. The more time we spend with Him, the more we begin to embody His characteristics, and the more we will exude His love to others.
It is because of God’s great love for us that we are able to love others in a selfless and unconditional way. [“God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” - Romans 5:8].